Maria lourdes Dabalos
Maria lourdes Dabalos
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What is your dream and why do you want to be on the cover?
I want to change my life style career
We all have our dreams and hopes. Someone wants to be rich, another hopes to become famous, and the third wants to put a dent to the universe. Most of us dream of being loved, recognized, and cared for. No doubt modeling can bring you closer to all your dreams, but it can also led you astray. The question is though, are these the dreams and goals you should talk about about in a job interview, or write about on your job application, while you try to get a job with some modeling agency, or with some prestigious brand?
Answer to this question isn’t exactly straightforward, but I can guarantee you a couple of things. First of all, they are looking for aspiring models who know why they want to work in the field. Modeling is no piece of cake. The competition is fierce, and the road to the top is long. Unless you have motivation within, and know why you are doing this, you will quit before you can reach the stars (or at least appear on some billboard in your city).
And secondly, they want to hear not only what you want, but also what you can bring onboard as a model. We should do things we are good at, since life makes little sense otherwise, and we would not enjoy doing a job we dislike. That’s why in an ideal answer to this question you should say why you want to be a model, and why you believe to be a great candidate. On the list of 7 sample answers below, most answer combine the two, but I also included some unconventional answers in my selection. In certain competitive scenarios, or when you have nothing to lose, unconventional answers that help you stand out from the pack are your best
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