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Future Dog Guides under 5 months old
Photo captionWorking hard at Goldblatt Partners LLP
Photo description (for screen readers)9-week old yellow lab puppy is laying down on yellow carpet with her head resting on a 2017 Martin's Annual Criminal book. She is wearing a green jacket that reads 'Future Dog Guide' and is looking up at the camera.
Your name (visible to the public)Green Capes
The story behind this photo.... June is one of more than half a dozen Dog Guides in training that have come through the doors of Goldblatt Partners - an ideal environment for socializing these little future life savers. June is now 14 months old and about to head off to doggie university, but needs a little help raising money for her tuition!
It costs approximately $25,000 to breed, raise, and train a single Dog Guide, provided to a Canadian with medical disabilities at zero cost. LFCDG graduates over 200 dogs per year and receives absolutely no government funding – it's all thanks to the generosity of donors like you.