Entry Category:
LFCDG breeders
Photo captionStill can't believe I gave birth to this goofball... But I'm proud of her!
Photo description (for screen readers)A 3 year old black lab and a 5 month old black lab sitting side by side panting with their tongues out, looks like they're smiling. The younger lab has her ear flipped inside out.
Your name (visible to the public)Sarah Wolfe
The story behind this photo.... Penne is Lottie's mother. Penne gave birth to 10 Future Dog Guides at our house. Due to stress, 4 of them were given to a surrogate mother. We had the pleasure of raising the other 6 in our home. Penne has now been retired from the Breeding Program and is living the luxurious life of a pampered pet, as well as helping raise Lottie to be the best dog guide she can be!