Entry Category:
Sweetest Senior
Pet's Age13.5
City and state where you currently resideOverland Park, Kansas
Share a brief bio on your pet! For example: What is their adoption story? What makes them special? How have they impacted your life?Sam, now affectionately referred to by his family as “Big Old Sam”, currently lives with his Grandma&Grandpa in a beautiful house on a lake in New York. His mama recently moved to Kansas to work at GPSPCA without Sam, knowing his comfortable life with his grandparents was the best environment for him as a senior dog. His grandma brags that when they rescued him, it was truly love at first sight between the puppy and his new mama. She misses the way his tail would wag when he has happy dreams, taking pictures of him, his uniquely soft fur and “flag” of a tail. Most of all, she misses the look on his face when he sees her come home or when she calls him handsome. Sam is living with arthritis and lipomas so he has slowed down, but this couch potato truly is a sweet senior.