Entry Category:
Cutest Kitty
Pet's Age1 year, 6 months
City and state where you currently resideLeawood, KS
Share a brief bio on your pet! For example: What is their adoption story? What makes them special? How have they impacted your life?Hello! My name is Pippa. I may look sweet and demure but I am a little terror! Just ask my kitty friends and my Mom! My Mom tries to keep me occupied but when I am free, I like to chase my newly adopted friend, Quincy, and get his attention. OK! Yes! I am obsessed with him. I am a teenager in love! My other favorite hobbies include: chasing "crinkly toys", skirmishing w/ my big sister, Mickey, and scratching my Mom's favorite couch. Quincy and I were adopted from the Great Plains SPCA . The SPCA took great care of us and now we are living our best lives at our adopted home. Oh, Mom just asked me if I were ready for a nap! I think it is maybe quiet around here when I'm sleeping?!