Entry Category:
Most Adorable Dog
Pet's Age4 years
City and state where you currently resideOlathe, Kansas
Share a brief bio on your pet! For example: What is their adoption story? What makes them special? How have they impacted your life?Gracie was a very sick puppy after a bowel obstruction and surgery. We adopted her during her recovery and now she is a big, beautiful Great Dane who recently relocated to KC with our family. Her hobbies include squirrel patrol (as you see now in this photo), chasing frisbees, squeaking all the squeaker toys and lounging on the entire sofa...well Mom gets a little sliver to sit on!
Gracie grew up with senior dogs and definitely knows to respect authority, even if she weighs 100# more than her elders. She is a smart, playful, loving member of our family and we are so lucky to call her ours.