About a year ago, I took a "leap of faith" and left my job as an event planner in Manhattan to fulfill my dream of working with farm animals in some way. I had no idea what I was going to do, but I knew this life was calling me. I have never in my life, not had a job, so this was a scary thing for me.
On the very first Monday of my unemployment, Instagram featured one of my photos and I gained over 30k followers in one night. I took that as a sign that I was on the right track and ran with it. I know have 214k amazing and supportive followers!
I am new to rescue, but I know it is what I am called to do. Although I love all farm animals, I have a special affection for goats and believe they are very misunderstood. I have outgrown my current farm space and the thought of never being able to rescue another animal because I don't have the room is heartbreaking to me. We are purchasing a home with more land so that I can grow my rescue. I am raising money to build an "enchanted goat park". The lot is wooded because it is more natural for them. The goats will be able to wander and forage on trees, brush and weeds. I need to clear a bit of land to build a barn and to provide a sunny space for them. The barn will have spaces for baby goats, miniature goats and full sized goats so that everyone has a safe space to sleep. I will also need to fence the entire area and I want to build goat bridges and platforms throughout the trees. I will also be building a sick bay/clinic and a special needs play area.
My last six rescues were all babies with special needs. I am especially drawn to those cases because I know that many of them are simply discarded because they are of no value to the meat and dairy industries. EVERY life is valuable and they all deserve a chance. I want to offer sick, injured or disabled baby goats a place where they will receive the best care, love and a solid foundation for a happy life.
Thank you for supporting my dream of growing the GOA Baby Goat Rescue. I will continue to share cute photos and funny videos as well as provide a loving home and sanctuary to goats in need. Through sharing their lives, I hope to change the way the world sees goats. They are here with us, not for us.
Leanne Lauricella, Founder
Goats of Anarchy

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Paypal: thegoatsofanarchy@gmail.com