Entry Category:
Cutest FSPCA Cat Alumnus
Pet's Age5 years
Pet's BreedGray & White short hair
Pet's Current Location (City, State)Palmyra, VA
Where Pet Came FromFSPCA
Pet's StoryI was volunteering at the FSPCA shelter on Saturdays, sometimes my mom would also come with me to help with the kitties. Max was always in his cage up front just hanging out on the hammock. I would always play with him before I left, he was so cute with his little pink nose and I've always loved gray & white cats. I really wanted to adopt him, but kept contemplating it because I already had 2 cats at home and didn't know how they would all get along. After several weeks, my mom and I were ready to leave after volunteering and I looked at him again, looked at my mom and said "I really love him!" My mom said "if you want him, just take him home". So I did!! My husband had no idea I was bringing him home that day, but he loved him too. He is a super sweet kitty and he got along great with my other 2 cats. He loves to look out the window and to be out on the screened in porch to watch the birds and also gives me kisses on my cheek when I ask him to. He is such a good boy!