Fundraising Goal
Entry Category:
Cutest Fluvanna Dog
Pet's Age2
Pet's BreedLabrador Retriever Mix
Pet's Current Location (City, State)Palmyra, VA
Where Pet Came FromOther Rescue/Shelter
Pet's StoryOur family went to the Charlottesville SPCA and we originally were looking at a Rhodesian Ridgeback who we discovered would not fit with our family. While our son was looking at other dogs, I slipped away and found Bowser. We all fell in love with him and decided to adopt him. While in the waiting room, a woman came over to us who spoke limited broken English. She asked if we were adopting him and my son said yes. She then told us that this was her dog and that she was moving out of the country and she visited him every week until she was leaving. My son went over to the woman and told her that he would be sure to take very good care of him. My mom, the former owner and myself were in tears. We took a picture of them with her phone so she would have something to remember him by. My son has kept his promise and takes very good care of our family member, Bowser.