Entry Category:
Summer – June
Comments/Description/Why Your Husky or Husky Mix Photo Should WinClark was adopted 1 year ago by my daughter. It's because of him that my other daughter adopted Griffey. We had lost our beloved dog of 14 1/2 years in January. When we saw Griffey and knew he had siblings, we went to pet supplies and immediately fell in love. Bert was born on January 3rd which was the time our dog was failing. I always think that our dog's life was given to Bert as they do have some similarities! We love him so much and has helped us with our loss.
We chose June as we took our dogs to dog in the park at Boomer's in Schaumburg. "It's a Homerun out of the ballpark!"
Rescue Shout OutThank you for everything you guys do! We are "forever" grateful for the joy of all the dogs my family has adopted from you!