Entry Category:
Adoption YearMarch 11 2016
Pet's Name at AdoptionSonny
Your Pet's Story or BioCash is our happy hound and has stolen our hearts. He is a goof ball, yet sensitive and sweet. Never knew that hounds could herd, but our friendly "BIG" hound dog herds our flock of chickens back into their coop when it is time for them to go in from free ranging the yard.
He literally bounces his 113 lbs up in the air with his ears flapping whenever he knows he gets to go on a car ride, which is crazy because when we first adopted him it took two of us to talk him into getting the car. I had to make practice drives in the driveway with plenty of treats to teach him to get into the car. Now he will give you the sad face if you don't let him go.
He is our heart and Cash rescued as, rather than we rescued him.
Entrant's Full NameCash Mustache Garrett-Crawford