Entry Category:
Adoption Year1993, 2006, 2020
Pet's Name at AdoptionClementine, Shannon, Riley
Your Pet's Story or BioFOHA has a long standing history with our family. It’s impossible to pick just one dog to enter! Violet the beagle was our first FOHA dog, adopted in 1993 by my family when I was 14 years old. She lived and was loved for 13 years. Sienna, the tan mix, was adopted in 2006, two months after my husband and I got married. She welcomed two human sisters during her 12 years with us and was the best dog ever. Roxy, the brindle Pittie, was adopted in January 2020 and was just what we needed as we mourned the loss of Sienna and headed into the long pandemic. We thank FOHA for bringing these three wonderful girls into our lives, each with unique personalities that have brought and continue to bring us so much love and joy!
Entrant's Full NameJennifer Symoun