Entry Category:
Fidelco Dogs
Dog's Age5
A little about me...HI there. My name is Wiley and I just had a birthday and turned 5 years young. I am a career change Fidelco dog. I made it through 3 months of training until Eric called my Mom and told her to pick me up. My Mom raised me during Covid and there were few places we could go except out in the backyard. For some crazy reason people lost their minds during that time and entertained themselves by setting off fireworks and literally scared the crap out of me. I became very skittish and did not like noises. Oh.. I also have bat ears and can hear planes a mile away. When I hear and see a plane I lose my mind and bark and jump until I do not see or hear it. My house is on the flight path so at the end of the day my Mom has to take Tylenol for her headache. She still loves me tho. I also am food crazy and have been known to snatch peanut butter toast on the counter and when I get lucky I get a few hamburgers. Please vote because Fidelco is a good organization who helps so many people live independent lives.
Visual Description:Black and Tan German Shepherd sitting on couch with my celebration July 4th specs on.