Entry Category:
Minister of Fur-eign Affairs
Tell voters why your animal deserves to be nominated for the CabinetThumbs has spent 5 of her 6 years of life traveling around the US and Canada & has met many animals along the way. She understands the importance of animal alliances and has many cat, dog and bird friends across borders to whom she still sends postcards. Ever since she was a kitten, she has not even killed an insect. Standing always for honour, love, understanding and embracing differences, Thumbs would be honoured and humbled to stand behind Earl Grey and the Tuxedo Party of Canada to represent animal equality around the world. With her extra toes (she is polydactyl on all 4 paws), she is inherently balanced and will always promote peace before conflict...especially since she has no teeth to bite. Don't let her adorableness fool you, she is fierce behind her charisma!