Entry Category:
Minister of Stealth and Welfare
Tell voters why your animal deserves to be nominated for the CabinetScarlett O'Hairy is 13, fabulous, and FIV-positive. She's been living with a compromised immune system for years now, and has to make frequent trips to the vet because of infections. She was also recently diagnosed with diabetes and now requires daily insulin injections. Despite her health challenges, Scarlett is feisty and passionate and is an excellent candidate for Minister of Stealth and Welfare.
Scarlett doesn't like the vet, but she knows her owners are taking the best possible care of her. Other cats with her health challenges haven't been so lucky - their owners have abandoned them or even euthanized them rather than have the bother or the bills. If elected as Minister of Stealth and Welfare, Scarlett will work hard to ensure that all cats have access to safe, affordable care, and that people adopting animals fully understand the responsibility they have to care for their pets, in sickness and in health.