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Create Your Own Cabinet Seat!
Other cabinet post if creating your ownMinister of Whiskers
Tell voters why your animal deserves to be nominated for the CabinetUnlike other cats in this contest, Bailey started her life as a pure-bred Main Coon kitten, purchased for $550 from a breeder. She hated the family that she went to live with, so when they moved out of state, they decided not to take her with them. She was 12 years old. Luckily, some humans were browsing Petfinder in search of a cat that they could save, and found her. She has been hating her new family for 3 years now - the humans and their other 5 cats. She has her own private accommodations in the study, so she is not bothered by anyone except for being petted by humans who love her very much. Mostly, she just wants to be left alone to lounge on a love seat under the window, and grow her long fur and her whiskers. That is why we nominate her as Minister of Whiskers. As long as she does not need to do anything or interact with any other cats or humans, she will do the job very well.