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Create Your Own Cabinet Seat!
Other cabinet post if creating your ownMinistry of Access and Abilities
Tell voters why your animal deserves to be nominated for the CabinetSammy, born blind with micropthalmia, feels that he is magnificently qualified for the post of Minister of Access and Abilities. This Ministry will focus on insuring the right to life and quality care of animals, especially abused, physically challenged, injured and medically needy ones. This goal will be accomplished by love, compassion, great patience and proper health care. Sammy’s experience comes from being placed in an Animal Shelter at a very young age where empathetic workers housed him in the cat area so he wouldn’t be frightened by the many, larger dogs housed in the shelter. They gave him lots of love and attention, and when his allotted time was up there, they called "Adopt-A-Dog/Save-A-Life Rescue". While being fostered at this Rescue, he was showered with love, socialized with people and other dogs, and taught good manners before they found us, his forever family, to help him along his journey. Sammy quickly trained us as his Seeing Eye people as he continues to his goal in this Ministry to show how challenges can be overcome with support, a positive and spunky attitude, persistence, and love.