Entry Category:
Minister of Justice
Tell voters why your animal deserves to be nominated for the CabinetPenny (or Ms. Penny as she prefers to be called in her political endeavors) is not wasting anytime! She is already practicing her purrfect standing on guard pose!
With a very assertive and talkative personality, the Ms. is ready to stand with Earl Grey as his "right hand man!" Ms. Penny deserves to be Minister of Justice because, as a rescue cat herself, she understands the injustices faced by her fellow animal kind.
Ms. Penny was rescued from hunger and the bitter cold one February when she was two years old. She has since settled and has already been exercising justice for five years. She has visited senior humans in retirement homes, and is always sure to let her human know when something is amiss; pooping in the shower, urinating on a rug, swatting a sleeping human in the face or meowing until heard - whatever tactic will work to ensure all is right in the world!
Ms. is also sure to not let any other cats encroach on her territory! While she considered running for Minister of Defense, she decided on Minister of Justice as she would rather work toward all cats having a warm blanket and food in their own homes - and away from hers!
With Ms. Penny, Justice will be served!