Entry Category:
Minister of Animal-Human Relations
Tell voters why your animal deserves to be nominated for the CabinetNugget has over 9 years of experience in animal-human relations. He got off to a rocky start as a stray in the US, but found his forever home thanks to the diligent hard work and faith of shelter staff in Canada. Even at his lowest, he was lucky enough to have someone believe in him and help him find his family. Once established in Canada, Nugget soon began giving back in his community. He has served as a proud foster brother to other dogs, showing them how to live with humans. His most recent assignment has been as a Brightening Lives volunteer with the Ottawa Humane Society. He is keenly interested in the welfare of both humans and animals, and thinks we need to work together to make Canada a better place to be an animal. This gentle soul believes that all animals should be loved and cared for, and should have a couch to call their own. Nugget is pro nap, loves long walks, digging up his mom (and grandma's!) gardens, and sometimes even likes to play (gently) with cats. Nugget is also staunchly against hot air balloons.