Entry Category:
Minister of Justice
Tell voters why your animal deserves to be nominated for the CabinetMolly Sue was a wee baby of 8 weeks old when she was found all alone roaming the countryside, meowing and begging to be loved by anyone. A promise was made to her by her human (me) that she would never be lonely and unwanted again. This promise has made her realize just how fortunate she is. She wants to make sure that all other kitties and doggies (and other animals) are loved, feel safe, and are wanted. She has been known to be very outspoken and will use this talent make the humans listen to the Tuxedo Party's message of animal welfare and justice.
Molly Sue knows that there are many ways in which humans abuse and take advantage of animals. She wants TOUGHER penalties for animal abusers! So please vote for Molly Sue (and her human) to be the one to STAND UP for animal rights and Justice!
And don't forget to vote for the Tuxedo Party of Canada Cat Welfare Society in the upcoming election!