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Create Your Own Cabinet Seat!
Other cabinet post if creating your ownMinister of Business and Finance
Tell voters why your animal deserves to be nominated for the CabinetSammie is a former stray who moved into a store one chilly winter. He quickly took over the shop, and has been a successful business owner for nearly 4 years now. I know 4 years doesn't sound like a lot of business experience, but it's more impressive when you think about it in cat years! Sammie is the Ambassador...I mean, AmbassaCAT of the rescue efforts of "The Woman" who works for him at his store, as well as a huge supporter of many other rescue groups across Nova Scotia, including the Tuxedo Party. Sammie is so generous as to occasionally share his store with foster cats from not only his own rescue efforts, but for other groups as well - since Sammie believes it is important to be able to "work across party lines" in an effort to combat the problem of homeless cats. Sammie also looks great in a tie, and knows that he would absolutely rock a Tuxedo! A vote for Sammie is simply a vote for good taste!