Entry Category:
Minister of National Defence
Tell voters why your animal deserves to be nominated for the CabinetTaliskar Vom Haus Heilig is reliable, trustworthy and loyal. His intelligence in Defence matters is not only due to a naturally instinctive predisposition to defend, but also due to years of training and experience in the field of protection. Highly skilled and experienced Ministerial defence candidates such are these should be considered for this increasingly dangerous and international role in today's government. In addition, Taliskar could save Canadian taxpayers millions of dollars as he and his supporters are willing to serve this country for nothing more than food, shelter and praise for good works. His history and track record have already shown Canadians his boundless energy and unwavering dedication to protect and defend his country. Taliskar - and his thousands of supporters of common descent - promise to save lives worldwide with honesty, perseverance, vigor and a courage unlike that ever experienced by this country before. His promises are never broken.