Entry Category:
Top Dog in Durango
Human's First and Last NameJonas & Moni Grushkin
Dog's Story or BioI, Jonas, had wanted a dog for many years. My wife moni, maybe not quite the dog person. A litter was shown to me through photos at work. I asked Moni if we could take the trip from Durango to Chimney Rock to look at the pups. We got in the car and the whole way there it was made clear to me that we were only looking. Upon arrival the litter was bounding about. Moni picked up the black, future Maggie, and fell in love immediately. She says to me, Maggie will need a playmate, and sure enough, Nora, brown, also came back to Durango. The pups, now year and a half, have stolen Monis heart. The lab, boarder collie, mix has a loving protective personality. They make us laugh all the time.