Entry Category:
Top Dog in Durango
Human's First and Last NameJane Henson
Dog's Story or BioMeg was "rescued" from a ranch because she would much rather hike back-pack or ski with her human friends than herd cows! That said, her true instincts come into play as she "herds" her humans and her cat siblings! Meg is super sweet and loves humans, chasing balls and just being outdoors. She follows us no matter what we do, including horse back riding. Meggie is well known in the neighborhood as she greets everyone with a very talkative "oh I missed you so much and my Mom never gives me attention" in a very whiny convincing tone! She lives among the wildlife in our area without barking or chasing. She will be 9 yet has the energy of a toddler. She is just the sweetest top dog ever!!