Entry Category:
Coolest Cat in Durango
Human's First and Last NameJane Henson
Dog's Story or BioZander is a true mountain feline. He roams our pine tree acre with his sister cat Zoe, and Meg his sister dog. Zander's has a cat's curiosity to the max and has literally touched noses with deer fawns He hikes with his humans to the ravine behind our place to play in the water. He loves the snow and his lovely flame coloring and blue eyes are a stark contrast to the deep drifts he actually bounces in!
Inside he is king of all of Meg's beds and pounces on his sister when ever he has a chance. He loves to do morning yoga with me! Zander was rescued from a large batch of barn cats in NE Colorado. I brought Zander and Zoe to Bayfield when they were 6 weeks old. The LaPlata county humane society neutered and spayed and vaccinated them. Zander is truly the coolest cat!