Titan and Lola
Titan and Lola
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Titan and Lola
Your Pet's Quirks
Smiling. Crawling. Farting. Giving Back.
Your Pet's Bio/Story
Hi! We are Titan and Lola - two happy French Bulldogs that call Denver their home. We are fortunate to have a great life but realize there are many dogs, cats and other animals who don't. So we give back (with the help from our humans).
We love The Denver Dumb Friends League and other animal rescues (Chicago French Bulldog Rescue and Rocky Mountain French Bulldog Rescue). Donate today and change an animals life. #seriouslycheeky #cheekyforacause
Follow our adventures on Instagram (@titanandlola) and Twitter (@titanfrenchie @lolalefrenchie).
Dumb Friends Alumni?
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