Contest has ended. Mountain Time




25 votes

Your Pet's Quirks
Curtain ninja, cuddle bug, & hunter of spiral cat toys

Your Pet's Bio/Story
Walked into the DDFL over Labor Day weekend 2023, in search of a cat, but Biscuit's sweet little kitten face was irresistible, so we asked to meet her and it was love at first sight! She's tiny, but mighty, even though she's smallest family member she pushes her basset hound sisters around and won't let the older cats sass her. Lives to be up high, climbs drapes, walls, every cat tree/shelf in the house and then flops on her back demanding belly rubs and armpit scratches. Her favorite time of day is when the alarm clock goes off and she jumps in bed and snuggles down for cuddles before the day begins.

Dumb Friends Alumni?

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Hills Science Diet
Dumb Friends League
2080 S. Quebec St.
Denver, CO 80231
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