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Your Pet's QuirksPracticing the high jump to catch those pesky fuzzy ball toys; chatting to her people …a lot
Your Pet's Bio/StoryAt 14 years old, Lucy found herself in a shelter. She was no stranger to homelessness, having been spayed as a seemingly feral cat, as her clipped ear shows. Fortunately, Lucy is sweet, playful, and chatty, and within a week she talked herself into a forever home. She spends her days supervising Zoom meetings (where she makes the occasional guest appearance), meeting her daily petting and brushing quotas, leaping for toys, attacking innocent scratching posts, and ensuring quality control of her heating pad each night. Lucy also moonlights as an unofficial therapy cat for her people. She has no idea she is “old”; she’s too busy happily running her household, where she is very much loved.
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