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Fundraising Goal
Entrant's Name
Donna Breitowich
Tell us something fun or interesting about the dog in the photo. Is this a DRBC dog? If so, how long has he or she been a part of your family? Can you share something special that we could say if your photo wins?
Gemma is a DRBC rescue. She became part of our family on August 2, 2015. We are head over heels in love with this precious little girl. Like many doxies, she shreds every toy we give her in under two minutes. The only toys she has are her various and inedible balls. She loves them all and brings them all up on the couch when she wants to snuggle with us. She also has to bring a beloved ball to bed with her at night which means we are not only sleeping with our girl, but are sharing our bed with her ball! Gemma also absolutely loves to wear clothing. She has a favorite shirt she especially loves to wear after her bath. This girl is such an important part of our lives.
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