Entry Category:
Pet's Age14 years 10 months 1 day
Brief BioCoco is visiting with his grandpa in this picture for Christmas and they are both sporting the same hairstyle. I always said if I was meant to have a second dog it would come to me, well Coco ran out into the road when I was working in Leesburg one day and I slammed on my brakes and hit him almost 11 years ago (he wasn't hurt of course) I got out saw him for only a second before he ran across the other 4 lanes of the highway, called animal control because I couldn't find him and at that time didn't know if he was hurt, they found him and took him back to the shelter to scan him for a chip. I figured he had an owner as he was neutered. 3 days later after calling everyday no one claimed him and he had no chip. I went over to the shelter as they had a 3 day kill policy at the time and picked him up, he has been a part of our family ever since. We got Coco's dna done for a present and found out that Coco is 50% Bichon and 50% Chinese crested. He will be 15 on 3-17-21.