Voting Ends 10/27/2024 at 9:00:00 PM Eastern Time




20 votes

Caregiver's Name
Diana Richett

A little about me...
We don't know how Arthur ended up on the streets of Tucson AZ or how long this extremely friendly boy had been there. He had scars, tags, torn ears and was FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) positive. Finally, he was able to leave the hard life behind when he wisely entered a trap and was taken to the county shelter. This was none too soon as he was diagnosed with diabetes at the shelter. When I offered to adopt him Tucson CARES took him as a transfer and he was flown to me in CO. That was 2019. He is now about 14 years old. His diabetes is well-regulated and he is well loved. He is a smart, friendly boy and leading the good life as an indoor only cat.

Vote for Arthur

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Diabetic Cats in Need
PO Box 21
Minot, ME 04258
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