Voting Ends 10/27/2024 at 9:00:00 PM Eastern Time




15 votes

Caregiver's Name
Diana Richett

A little about me...
I saw Gazpacho now called simply Gus on the DCIN face book page in the fall of 2022. He was listed as urgent as his caregiver could no longer care for him financially or timewise. He had been diagnosed with diabetes at 3 years old. Given her location in the Dallas/Fort Worth TX area and having a friend who transported animals from TX to Colorado I decided to contact the owner and ask to take him since I have cared for many diabetics. He arrived at my home in October 2022 and has been a welcome addition to my furry family. Although he and my other cats tolerate each other he is very sweet and loving with me. He does great with testing and taking his shots. Please consider adopting a diabetic cat from the DCIN face book page---there are so many needy cats and I was always glad to have adopted another diabetic kitty into my home.

Vote for Gus

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Diabetic Cats in Need
PO Box 21
Minot, ME 04258
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