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Please include a short paragraph that tells voters something fun or interesting about the cat(s) and other animals in the photo. Which cat is diabetic? Is one or more a DCIN rescue? How long have the animals been a part of your family? Give some interesting information about the animal(s) in the photo that will encourage others to vote for your photo.
Sunshine (GA) was my sixth diabetic, and I adopted her in February of 2016. She passed away Feb 2020 at @18 years old. Sunshine was Diabetic Cats in Need’s last foster cat at the time. She was in DCIN’s foster program for 3 years (in two foster homes). Despite having lost two cats recently, I knew she was meant to be my cat. I flew to Virginia to take her home.
There can’t be a cat with a more appropriate name than Sunshine. She was the Sunshine of my life, so the song goes! She had such a quizzical look on her face that is adorable. She loved to snuggle in bed with me. When I went to get her, I slept in her room, and she had to come snuggle-the first day she met me. Sunshine didn’t usually talk to me but when she did, I listened! Sunny had a cute little dance with her feet that she did, and her tail quivered. She was very photogenic, but at first she was camera shy. She humored me and actually posed! When I kissed her head and petted her, she would drool a waterfall. She was always so happy being loved! She would love for me to stay home all the time. She played with fishing pole toys, but had some vision loss due to high blood pressure which came and went. She also did a lot of what her name suggests, sunbathing!!
This last year, she was quieter, but still cuddly. I adopted another cat, Tayo, in 2017 and she hated him, so he had to live in my kitchen. Sunny was and always will be such a special cat, and I thank DCIN’s fosters for saving her. Please vote for Sunshine my little girl, and thank DCIN for saving her!!
PS. I am entering Tayo, because he is my current kitty, Sunshine, because she was sort of the DCIN poster-cat for a lot of things, Merlyn because he started it all, but I have not forgotten about Carly, Baloo, Bear and Sarjenka!
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