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Coral Gables, Fl
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Nuna is a 6 pound mini Daschound with a BIG personality. She was born and raised in So. Florida. She likes people, treats, and licking. She is very sweet and has adapted to our family like a glove. We adopted her from a lady who sells puppies and had many to chose from. Nuna had a prior home & had been returned by her prior owner. When we saw her, it was love at first sight! We picked her among 45 other Doxies. She certainly demands lots of attention and loves to steal our underwear which we often find in her bed. She loves to cuddle and sleeps with me under the covers, needless to say I can’t move all night. She has been with us for 9 months and we love her very much, she shows us love each and every minute of the day. ❤️
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