Entry Category:
Owner's First NameJody & Breezy
Pet's Nickname(s)Jebediah, Jube, Juba-Duba, too many to list...
Pet's Age9
Provide a few short sentences explaining what makes your pet the “Cutest pet in Washington, Ozaukee and Waukesha and surrounding Counties” — or maybe all of Wisconsin!Jeb is everybody's pal (especially if they happen to be holding any food)! He loves to go for rides, and his favorite place to be is wherever you are. His favorite treats are whatever you're eating. Jeb likes long walks through the neighborhood as much as long naps on his ottoman. He has velvety soft, floppy ears and beautiful markings, right down to the perfectly placed cute black spot on top of his head. His life-long dream is to be featured on a beer can! Please help our sweet pup achieve his dream, while supporting a great cause and vote for Jeb! Prost!