Entry Category:
Owner's First NameJacqueline Fulcomer
Pet's Nickname(s)Luala
Pet's Age1.5 year
Provide a few short sentences explaining what makes your pet the “Cutest pet in Washington, Ozaukee and Waukesha and surrounding Counties” — or maybe all of Wisconsin!Our Luna is cute to us because her face and demeanor is nothing but sweet and quite nearly a charcoal illustration just by looking at her. She boasts a charcoal grey coat with red highlights. She is also cute cuz she is friendly with all children even ones who she does not know running up to her eager to pet her fluffy fur. Luna sport an ancient Egyptian eye liner marking around her eyes making her unique looking. Luna also shows off a cute fluffy lion’s mane sweet to rub your hands through. Luna is a Sarplaninac pure bred which is a rare Heritage Livestock Guardian Dog originating in the Macedonia Mountains guarding flocks of sheep. Our Luna can stand on her hind legs and hug an adult making a big dog actually adorable . Big dogs with big hearts that is our Luna.