Entry Category:
Owner's First NameJulie
Pet's Nickname(s)Jordy Sue, Sue, Susan
Pet's Age5
Provide a few short sentences explaining what makes your pet the “Cutest pet in Washington, Ozaukee and Waukesha and surrounding Counties” — or maybe all of Wisconsin!Jordy makes us laugh every day. She loves to carry around stuffy toys in her mouth at all times, especially punny purses like “Chewy Vuitton” and “Pawda” from her auntie and a “White Paw” from her uncle. She has megaesophagus - a condition where her esophagus has no motility so she needs to eat upright in a “Bailey chair,” which looks a bit like a doggie high chair. Other than her fancy eating and drinking, she’s a normal and wonderful dog. She knows many tricks, is eager to please, and is extremely loving and snuggly.