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Pet's Age
Pet's Breed
Labrador Retriever
A little about me...
Hey! I’m Ernie… the O.G. Canine Finder of Conservation Dogs Collective! My human/mom/Keeper/best pal is my mom, Laura (the big cheese of Conservation Dogs Collective). I’ve lived with Laura since I was 10 weeks old and was raised as a beloved companion with the hopes to become a conservation detection dog. Turns out, I love to sniff and work alongside my mom, so here I am! A superstar sniffer for Conservation Dogs Collective where I locate bumble bee nests, invasive snails, and much more. While I love my sniffing “job,” if I’m really honest… I’m kind of like that guy in high school that was so darn funny that even the teachers had trouble telling him to stop talking. During the day, I love training, sniffing, and searching for conservation targets. Nightly, I can be seen in the living room carrying my food bowl and doing “the wiggle dance” before retiring to sleep snuggled up to my canine sister, Betty White. Fun facts: I was the only yellow lab in my litter, I’ve been in TV commercials, I love to cannonball into pools, and have a signature crook in my tail.
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