Completed Challenges
Home Stretch Challenge
Time frame: July 13, 2017, at 9 a.m. to July 15, 2017, at 7 p.m.
Presented by DogtopiaThis is your last chance for your pet to score extra points in the 2018 "Click Your Pick" annual photo calendar contest. Beginning at
9am on
July 13, respond to the Last Chance Challenge Facebook post with a message from your pet saying why they should be "Alexandria Animal of the Year". The challenge will run until
7pm on
July 15, and the response with the most "Likes" will receive 500 votes; the second-highest will get 300 votes; the third will get 100 votes; and the fourth will get 50 votes.
Final Double Down Wednesday
Time frame: July 12, 2017, beginning at noon
Presented by Hoffman Town CenterAs the Annual Photo Calendar Contest nears the end, we are offering you one final opportunity to double your votes. Beginning at noon on July 12, all votes will be doubled until a total of 4500 additional votes have been awarded. For this final "Double Down" challenge, there is a maximum vote doubling amount of 500 votes per individual, and all votes will be doubled in the order they are received until the 4500 vote limit is reached.
We anticipate doubled votes will go quickly, so get your votes in promptly at noon.
In Paw-Son Voting at Vola's
Time frame: July 10, 2017, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Join us at
Vola's Dockside Grill to vote for some of your favorite calendar competitors. Entrants have the opportunity to decorate voting boxes (no bigger than a shoebox please!) to promote their pet, and Vola's patrons will receive tickets for vote for their favorite animal. Tickets can also be purchased onsite - two for the price of one - to place additional calendar votes.
Way Back Weekend
Time frame: July 7, 2017, at 9 a.m. to July 9, 2017, at 7 p.m.
Presented by
Remember when your pet found you? It might be a few weeks or it might be 10 years ago, but we want to see pictures comparing when your pet was new to your home vs. now. Respond with your Now vs. Then photos to a Facebook post that will go out at
9 a.m. on
July 7. The pet with the most "Likes" will get 400 points; the second-highest will get 200; third and fourth will get 150 each; and 5th will get 100 votes. This challenge will close at
7 p.m. on
July 9.
Double Down Wednesday
Time frame: Begins July 5, 2017, at noon
Presented by Fort Hunt Animal Hospital and Hayfield Animal HospitalBeginning at noon on July 5, all votes will be doubled until a total of 2500 additional votes have been awarded. Please note that there is a maximum vote doubling amount of 250 votes per individual, and all votes will be doubled in the order they are received until the 2500 vote limit is reached.
We anticipate doubled votes will go quickly, so get your votes in promptly at noon.
Rabbits and Gerbils and Birds, Oh My!
Time frame: July 1, 2017, at 9 a.m. to July 2, 2017, at 7 p.m.
We love our dogs and cats but they are by no means the only animals that the AWLA works with every day. We want to share some love to the little guys too, including the fish, the birds, reptiles, amphibians and all our small mammal friends, from rabbits to ferrets to guinea pigs and more. Animals from each of these categories (Birds; Reptiles/Amphibians/Fish; and Other Mammals) that receive the most votes between
9 a.m. on
Saturday, July 1, through
7 p.m. on
Sunday, July 2, will receive additional votes: 300 additional votes to the top vote-getter in each category and 200 to the runner-up.
Abby's Challenge: "We Just Clicked!"
Time frame: June 18, 2017, 7 p.m. to June 19, 2017, 7 p.m.
Presented by Rebecca and Dave Francis in memory of Abby, 2015 Animal of the Year
At 7 p.m. on June 18, AWLA will
post on Facebook, inviting pet owners to explain the special relationship or bond that they have with their pet, documenting this relationship in any way that they can. Be creative: Record a video, set a slideshow of photos to music, write and post a poem! The Facebook response with the most "likes" by 7pm on June 19 will receive 500 additional votes. The second-place candidate will receive 300 additional votes; third-, and fourth-place responses will each get 100 additional votes. Be sure to post your entry on AWLA's facebook page and tag @AlexandriaAnimals in your Facebook post! Once you post to the AWLA page, you can share the post on your own page.
Respond to Facebook post.
Your Pet on the Big Screen!
If your pet is in first in his/her category* by 8 p.m. on July 16th when the contest ends then your pet's photo with his/her name will be featured in a 15-second ad promoting the contest during the previews before every movie (approximately 750 movies) in all 22 screens at the AMC Hoffman for several weeks in August! You will win two tickets to the AMC Movie theater to see your pet on the big screen. Your pet will be seen by more than 75,000 people! *three categories- Dogs, Cats, Small Animals (mammals, reptiles/fish, birds will be combined) with the most votes will be featured. Please note that wildlife are not included in and all non-dog and non-cats will be combined into one "Small Animal" category.