1st Prize:
The top vote-getting photo will be on the cover of the 2019 calendar and have a full-page photo on the month of their choice. They will also receive a complimentary calendar and a Photo Blanket.
2nd Prize:
The photo with the second most votes will get a full-page calendar spot on the next available month of their choice along with a complimentary calendar and a Kuranda Bed.
3rd Prize:
The photo with the third most votes will get a full-page calendar spot on the next available month of their choice along with a complimentary calendar and a $50 Amazon Gift Card.
Positions 4 thru 12:
A full-page calendar spot on the next available month of their choice along with a complimentary calendar.
Reminder on image quality: We need the image to be at least 300 ppi (pixels per inch) for printing and for that resolution the image file size should be around 4 megabytes minimum.