Tonka & Jerico
Tonka & Jerico
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Pet's Story
Although these boyz didn't come from the shelter, they were rescue pups nonetheless. Jerico(Boston Terrier) came to us from an elderly man who did love him, however, apparently, he had family that did beat him, probably we figured, with a belt. Tonka(Pit Bull) was given to us by a landlord of an apartment building. He, too, was beaten, starved & neglected. When Jerico was introduced to Tonka, on his "turf", the 2 hit it off instantly & became the best of friends. That was 3 1/2 yrs ago & they continue to romp around here just like the 1st day they met. Both Jerico & Tonka have actually rescued us. Despite all "rumors" & "reports" about Pit Bulls being so vicious, we found that Tonka is nothing but a big, now chubby, baby who wants nothing but love & attention from us which we are to happy to give him.
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