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Pet's Story
Hey there! I am an eight year old calico named Christina! My interests include following my mom wherever she goes, attacking anything that moves, and meowing at the slightest movement you make while I am resting on your lap. My family thinks I am adorable, even if I am shy around those who I do not know. I spend my days sleeping most of the time, and cuddling with my mom when she isn't at school. Yep. It's a hard life being a cat. YOU have to lick YOURSELF to stay clean, you can't get your own food (thumbs and all that), and you can't spea- *Cough* You can't sp- *COUGH* Sorry. Hairball. What I was trying to say was that you can't speak English. But nevertheless, I have a great life. I'm always full, warm, and happy. Plus, my eyes and nose are really adorable, don't you think? <3
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