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Pet's Story
Adopting this Tiny kitten from the CCHS started out as an adventure for us all. She was actually a "return"! One of our neighbors brought her over for us to see. Our also adopted CallieBlue cat loved her! Unfortunately, the neighbor was not able to keep her. When I found out she had been given up, I could not stand the thought of what this Little One must have felt, back in a cage and rejected! Wonderfully, the CCHS allowed us to get her right away. She was so Tiny it was as if her fur was made up of little feathers! CCHS sent along a small yellow blanket which she still sleeps with today. And her name? Once upon a time, TINY but now NOTSO TINY as she eats well, loves her companion Callie and has filled out in happiness! A Tiny Soul with grand happiness for us all!
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