The top 23 winning entrants will have their pet's photo displayed on the official CCHS Deck of Cards and on the contest link on our website,
Winner will receive:
- The coveted title "CCHS 2019 Pet of the Year."
- Their pet's name featured on a face card of their choice (4 Kings, 4 Queens, 4 Jacks, or 4 Aces). The printed decks will be a 54 card, standard poker-size 2.5'' x 3.5'' deck.
- Their pet's photo on the outside cover of the card box.
- Panebianco Photography Pet Photo Session with 16x20 Canvas Print (for one winning pet.)
- 2 decks of cards.
- $100 Visa Gift Card
The entrants in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place will receive:
- Their pet's entry image and name featured on a face card of their choice (4 Kings, 4 Queens, 4 Jacks, or 4 Aces), given it has not already been reserved by an entrant ranking higher. First place gets first choice, second place gets second choice, third place gets third choice, and fourth place gets fourth choice.
- 1 deck of cards.
- 2nd place will receive $75 Visa Gift Card, 3rd place will receive $50 Visa Gift Card, and 4th place will receive $25 Visa Gift Card.
The next 19 winning entrants will receive:
- Their pet's entry image and name featured throughout the deck. (2 cards each, including Jokers.)
- 1 deck of cards.