Entry Category:
Male Dog
City & StateOrangeburg, SC
Tell us a little something about your dog (what they mean to you, your favorite thing about them, what they have taught you, or their rescue story)Avett is my sweet little pinball. He’s a blind double dapple, but don’t tell him that. He firmly believes that the only reason he bounces off of things is because they jumped into his way. He’s currently 3 1/2 and has been with me 1 1/2 years. Shortly after adopting him from Doxie by Proxy I had to take him to an eye specialist and have his micro eyes removed. He took it like a champ. Avett loves to chew on hooves and any toys that he can. He loves to walk all over me when we’re in bed. He has no concept of personal space. He’s slowly learning new things like how to play with his older sister, Shadow. It’s fun to watch because she’ll tag him and bounce back and he moves his head around trying to figure out where she is so he can play bite her. He’s such a happy boy.