Upcoming Challenges
To help your pet win more votes, we will be offering a variety of fun challenges and engagement events throughout the length of our photo calendar contest. Check out our current schedule of challenges, and stay tuned for more information about how to help your pet soar to the top of the leaderboard!
Completed Challenges
Calendar Kickoff Challenge, sponsored by The Nellis Group
Starts June 1 at 8:00 a.m.
Thanks to our friends at The Nellis Group, the first 15 calendar entrants will receive an additional 100 votes to help their pets climb to the top of the calendar leaderboard. Please note that doubled donations are added manually and may take up to 15 minutes to appear. Register your pet(s) early to help them win an extra calendar boost!
Friends & Family Challenge
June 5 at 8:00 a.m. through June 6 at 8 p.m.
Alexandria's next Animal of the Year is a community player, and this weekend's calendar challenge will showcase that. Have your pet respond with a photo to our calendar challenge Facebook post (which was posted at 8 a.m. on June 5) OR post their photo on Instagram after 8 a.m. on June 5 and tag #awlacalendar. The five pets with the most "Likes" on either platform by 8 p.m. on June 6 will receive extra votes:
Top Like-Getter: 250 additional votes
2nd Like-Getter: 150 additional votes
3rd Like-Getter: 100 additional votes
4th Like-Getter: 50 additional votes
5th Like-Getter: 25 additional votes
Stitch's Challenge
June 9

In memory of AWLA alumni and calendar aficionado Stitch, his family will choose 10 calendar entrants who exemplify some of Stitch's best qualities: his ability to overcome obstacles and to help people. Additional votes will be awarded to those participants on June 9 and announced on social media.
Leave Your Mark Calendar ChallengeJune 12 at 8:00 a.m. through June 13 at 8 p.m.
Alexandria's next Animal of the Year has to be ready for their adoring fans, and we'll meet some of those fans during the Leave Your Mark Challenge. Encourage friends and family to visit your pet's calendar profile page and leave comments over the course of the weekend (and maybe donate to help your pet climb the leaderboard). The five pets with the most comments from unique individuals that were placed between 8 a.m. on June 12 and by 8 p.m. on June 13 will receive extra votes:
Most Comments Received: 300 additional votes
2nd Most Comments Received: 200 additional votes
3rd Most Comments Received: 100 additional votes
4th Most Comments Received: 50 additional votes
5th Most Comments Received: 25 additional votes
Dollars to Donors Weekend Challenge
In our biggest calendar challenge yet, the Dollars to Donors Challenge awards the pets who bring in the most votes...with even more votes. With just one week left in our photo calendar contest, the five pets who bring in the most additional votes between 8 a.m. on June 19 and by 8 p.m. on June 20 will receive extra votes:
Most New Votes: 500 additional votes
2nd Most New Votes: 250 additional votes
3rd Most New Votes: 150 additional votes
4th Most New Votes: 75 additional votes
5th Most New Votes: 50 additional votes
Double Down Challenge, Sponsored by the Hoffman Town Center
June 23 at 6 p.m.
It's your last chance to earn free votes! Beginning at 6 p.m. on June 23, all new votes will be doubled, courtesy of Hoffman Town Center (up to 250 votes doubled per voter, and up to 2,500 votes matched in total). Give your pet one last chance to climb the leaderboard and double your votes tonight!
*All doubled votes added manually. Please allow up to 15 minutes for doubled votes to be added. We will note on this page when the match has been reached.