Entry Category:
Other Mammals
Entrant's NameOlivia
A little about me...As an international bun of mystery, the bunny ladies are all over his devastatingly handsome self (okay, it’s just one lady bun named Buttercup). Westley is willing to sell his movie series starting with, “Bun, James Bun,” to a movie studio for a mere $1 billion. If you look at the video, you can see he does his own stunts! As the boss bunny of the house though, Buttercup is the producer and director of his movies and leading lady of his heart. This personality-filled bonded pair was adopted from AWLA in 2017. Westley & Buttercup are picky foodie bunnies who enjoy diving into their third cut timothy hay and spring mix, but wonder why they don't get more treats for being super duper cute. Their humans celebrate their adoption every day, even if they're horribly stingy with the treats. <3
If your animal is from a specific animal shelter/rescue organization, please list the organization so we can give them special mention in our calendar.AWLA