Equality Ohio Education Fund - Say Gay All Day!
Equality Ohio Education Fund - Say Gay All Day!
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Fundraising Goal
Name of Your Sponsor
Merri Bame
Name of Your Nonprofit
Equality Ohio Education Fund
Tell us about your organization and why people should vote for you
Equality Ohio is a statewide organization advancing the rights and protecting the well-being of LGBTQ+ Ohioans. Equality Ohio identifies and transforms systems and institutions so LGBTQ+ Ohioans can fully access legal and lived equality in pursuit of an Ohio where people are welcome, affirmed, and flourishing.
Equality Ohio advocates and educates at both the statehouse and the local level. We work with affirming businesses (Ohio Business Competes), faith communities (Ohio Faith Coalition for Nondiscrimination), and young people (Youth Advocacy Coalition) among others to build engagement and active allyship on behalf of LGBTQ+ Ohioans.
The Equality Ohio Legal Clinic is a unique program that offers free, direct legal services to low-income LGBTQ+ Ohioans. Now in its fourth year, the Legal Clinic serves over 600 LGBTQ+ Ohioans each year.
Equality Ohio knows that LGBTQ+ youth, particularly Trans and Non-binary young people, need the support of affirming adults and inclusive spaces now more than ever. Whether in school, healthcare, sports, or any other aspect of their lives, Trans and Non-binary young people need to hear that they are loved and valued members of our community. Every Ohioan can share a message of support by joining the #OhioCanPlay campaign at ohiocanplay.com or by sharing a note of Trans joy and affirmation on social media with the hashtag #TransJoy.
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