Erica and Mandy
Erica and Mandy
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What's your purrmance story with your cat?
Mandy is 17 years old. I got her when she was only a year and a half from the Humane Society.
When I went to get her, we were looking for a kitten. There were about 7 cats there that day, all older than Mandy and all getting adopted that day except for her. We almost left and I vividly remember the moment when my dad and I were leaving and something turned us around. We went back and I'm so glad we did.
I got her at a time when I was and quite sick and struggling and she became the little bit of light that I needed to pull me through. She's still very symbolic to me and represents that time of my life and always seems to know when I'm down.
She's extremely affectionate, probably annoyingly affectionate for my friends and guests. She has dog-like dependencies and is hardly the typical independent feline. She loves to headbutt you if you're not paying attention to her and will tuck you in at night and leave once you've fallen asleep. She's a fat cat which makes her even more loveable.
She's made me a true cat-lady and I don't even care! Cat sweaters, here I come!
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