Don & Pixie and Gnome
Don & Pixie and Gnome
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What's your purrmance story with your cat?
Pixie and Gnome are Don's labour of love. They were born to a feral mom and hidden in a neighbour's woodpile. They were discovered the day Don retired and he has worked tirelessly to gain the kitten's trust. He had them spayed and neutered. He learned woodworking and bought tools to build them a heated shelter on the deck complete with a web camera to ensure they are safe and sound. Don even prepared a full play room for them in the garage. After three years of dedication and love for those two lovely cats, his hard work has paid off as Pixie and Gnome now voluntarily spend a great deal of time in the house with us and with our two indoor cats. This photo was taken during their first winter with us. They would come and call for Don to come out and play or just to hold them in the yard. There is a great deal of love and respect between Don and his two rescued cats.
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